
people change but songs remain

All the bands we loved the most,
all the songs that give us hope,
reasons we're still here today,
people change but songs remain

so the new year/decade is upon us, my 3rd decade thus far. yes it is very depressing.

at the cusp of each new year (along with my birthday) i like to take a look at my life in the past year. career wise, happiness and just my general place in life and if its where i want to be.
its a good time to see what i need change, what i should keep, what i should embrace and what i should discard. i have a few goals i'm working toward in this new year and subsequent decade, and i think i know what its going to take to get these things done. at the end of the day its up to me. i can sit around a sulk and want things or sit around and do what it takes to get it done my self.

just like back in high school football practice. just keep moving your feet, if you fall try and fall forward.

on a related note i found this on the hundreds blog. its kinda funny, kind of neat and maybe a little insight. soooo peep game
the hundreds

"in the end, your friends and family will let you down, and when you die, you die in your own arms"

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