
no one ever takes pictures of the drummer

here is shirt i just got approved. its for a fight gear clothing company out of Jacksonville FL called Caged Gear. i've done other designs for them, you can see them on my site.
i was kind of excited to do this design. i have been toying around with doing a crest type design for a quite some time now so when jason from caged gear told me what he was looking for i was pretty excited.
what i love best about the fight based clothing companies is that basically, is the same style of design that was really popular in hardcore about 8 or so years ago. if you don't believe me look at almost any shirt graphic the the hope conspiracy had.
(some what close to another post i plan on making, "Hardcore ruined my life, Graphic Design saved it")

other than that i've been working on a design for a local store here in tampa and designing a tattoo for some one. once those get final approval i'll post them too.

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