so lets so a run down. first off we have hypebeast. its a street wear blog, its all about what clothing brands are doing, new about these companies and really is a good way to see whats trending and a tool to help predict what is going to coming up. here is a free prediction foot ball jersey styled tees are going to be that new fire in street wear. so what that means to the rest of the world is that it will trickle down to the main stream in about 9 months. you heard it here 1st.
next up we have the shoe game. now i don't know how popular this site is and i do admit its kinda budget but its a really good sneaker resource site. i get all kinds of news here and they try to make it fun by showing reader videos of them showing off there favorite shoes and videos making fun of kids rocking fake shit.
last but not least is the berrics . the berrics is a privately owned my invite only skate park what eves i know i don't skate and haven't since i got a drivers licenses. but its owned my steve barria and eric koston and again i know.. what eves right but they do have one this i found and i love it. its a weekly video blog called wednesdays with reda
its really just this chubby italin guy from NY going around harassing people(who would have thought that's something i would be into). but it is one of the funniest things on the WWW, if you are into that kinda thing.
i could go on and expound on all 3 of these blogs but i just took some stuff off the grill and the simpsons are on so i'm out